Aaron Sipes Promoted to Resource Manager
Congratulations to Aaron Sipes on his promotion to resource manager!
In his return to management, Aaron will coordinate people and resources across the entire service team. His team will help streamline processes, enhance the overall workflow for service managers, and improve operations in areas like onboarding, offboarding and database management.
“I'm very excited that this is official. This plan had been cooking for a while, so I'm happy we were able to fit all the pieces together to allow this to come to fruition,” Aaron said. "Throughout the positions I've had the privilege of working here at Innovative, none of them have a lull or a dull moment. There is always more to learn, and we always have great team members to lean on in times of busyness or trying to get up to speed on something new. I’m grateful for that.”
Aaron interned with Innovative in 2017 and joined full-time in 2018. He has held several positions here, including service coordinator and service operations manager.
“Aaron's promotion to resource manager is a testament to his exceptional attention to detail, high level of technical skills, and his ability to elevate the experience of everyone he interacts with,” Alex said. “His journey from a full-time service coordinator to a level three tech, and now back to management, showcases his versatility and dedication.”