Business Technology

    IT Starts with Strategy

    Learn how technology can maximize your business with a comprehensive IT strategy and support plan.

    Blog Feature

    Devices | Printers & Copiers

    By: Ryan Stickel
    January 15th, 2023

    When making a choice between two options, sometimes the most challenging part can be finding out what the difference is. That might be what brought you here.

    Blog Feature

    Technology Strategy | Business Strategy | Devices

    By: Ryan Stickel
    December 30th, 2022

    We’ve all been there. The computers you feel like you just bought are suddenly not new anymore. You can feel with each passing day the increased loading times and the lost functionality. But hey, they still get the job done. Right?

    Blog Feature

    Devices | Purchasing

    By: Stephanie Hurd
    August 25th, 2020

    Shopping for a laptop back in March was the virtual equivalent of battling other shoppers for the last Cabbage Patch Kid doll on Black Friday in the 80s. Laptop inventory was low to nonexistent, and if you did find one, you couldn’t be too picky about specs. You only had one choice for which you likely paid more than you anticipated.

    Blog Feature

    Technology Strategy | Cybersecurity | Devices

    By: Christopher Kline
    April 28th, 2020

    As a business owner, you embrace new technologies that: Help your business grow. Keep your employees happy and motivated. Complete work better, faster, and cheaper. All facets of our personal and business lives are becoming more digital. More tools and technologies are available than ever before, many of which help achieve the business goals above. They automate processes, provide data to inform better decisions, and support employees doing their best work. We get instant answers from our personal assistants, automate our home or business temperature, and order products by simply asking for them out loud. All this technology keeps personal data about us, our habits, and our businesses. that information secure is paramount.

    Blog Feature

    Microsoft | Devices

    By: Aaron Sipes
    February 26th, 2020

    You've just finished a long report in Word or a presentation that needs to be put together by tomorrow in PowerPoint, hit save, and… your computer freezes on you. Unsure as to why you restart your computer only to see nothing happen. No logon screen, no report, no presentation, nothing. Whether it be due to the operating system or faulty hardware, you're without a computer. What do you do?

    Blog Feature

    Employee Retention | Technology Strategy | Threat Prevention | Disaster Recovery | Devices

    By: Stephanie Hurd
    August 15th, 2019

    I'm currently re-watching The Office (US) for what feels like the 100th time. This time, I realized that some parts have a whole new meaning now that I work for an IT company that provides tech support to businesses like the fictional Dunder Mifflin Paper Company. In this clip from Season 7, Episode 9, "," Jim tries to reset the server after a power outage causes it to go down. He's stuck and The Office can't do any work since he doesn't know the password to sign into the server. This causes Michael to recall all of The Office's former IT guys to determine who originally set up the server. As Michael thinks through the list of IT guys backward from the most current by the nicknames he gave them, "Glasses, Turban, Ear Hair, Fatty 3, Shorts, Fatty 2, Lozenge, and Fatso," Kevin remembers that 'Lozenge' set up the server eight years ago. Michael recalls that whatever the password was made him laugh when he heard it but, "Pam got really offended." Jim ultimately enters Kevin's suggestion of "big boobz," based on Michael's clues. The password is accepted, the server is reset, and Dunder Mifflin lives on to sell paper another day.

    Blog Feature

    Technology Strategy | Business Strategy | Devices | Purchasing

    By: Stephanie Hurd
    June 11th, 2019

    If you're planning to upgrade hardware or networking infrastructure in your business this year, you may see significant cost savings by purchasing that equipment soon (i.e. this month) thanks to increased tariffs on Chinese imports.

    Blog Feature

    Technology Strategy | Business Strategy | Devices | Purchasing

    By: Stephanie Hurd
    May 31st, 2019

    From basic desktop computers to complex network infrastructure, all businesses need some sort of technology to operate. With the amount of technology necessary to compete in today's economy, how do businesses maintain margins and absorb ever-growing IT costs? Leasing is an option that reduces your initial investment and allows for the flexibility to adopt new technology based on your business needs and not capital budgets.

    Blog Feature

    Technology Strategy | Devices | Outsourced IT Support | Printers & Copiers

    By: Stephanie Hurd
    April 24th, 2019

    Do you know how much your business spends on print and copy expenses? If the answer is no, you are not alone. According to a Gartner Group study, 90% of businesses lack an understanding of the total financial impact of printing and copying. The two biggest reasons for this lack of clarity are: Printing and copying expenses are often split between office equipment costs and office supply expenses. Printers and copiers are often managed separately yet used interchangeably. Considering the average employee prints 34 pages per day at a cost of around $725 per year per employee, printing and copying expenses are typically the third greatest business expense behind payroll and rent.

    Blog Feature

    Technology Strategy | Business Strategy | Devices

    By: Tyler Snyder
    April 5th, 2019

    Alternatives to a business server: Workgroup Sharing Network Attached Storage (NAS) Device Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365) Cloud Hosted Server (think Microsoft Azure or AWS) File Sync and Share Applications (think Drop Box, Google Docs) A server allows businesses to point all users toward a centralized location to access files and applications. There are some considerations when deciding if your business needs a server. In general, servers offer many benefits, and are a common approach for businesses that want consistency, centralization, or compliance with PCI, HIPAA or other industry-specific requirements. If you're not sure that a server environment is right for your business, there are other alternatives to consider, each with their own pros and cons.