Ryan Stickel

    By: Ryan Stickel on October 13th, 2022

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    Why Does Innovative Have Vendor Preferences?

    Business Strategy

    So, your company is looking for a managed IT partner and has decided to do business with Innovative. That’s awesome! There’s one issue, though; our solutions seem a little too fancy compared to what you’re looking for and thus, more expensive. There’s got to be a cheaper solution available, right?

    Technically, there are probably cheaper solutions out there, but we might not offer them. That answer might feel a little harsh, but there’s a reason we sell what we sell, and it’s not because we want you to empty your wallet.

    Our IT Expertise

    For starters, our team has extensively researched all the available options. We’ve been doing this for more than two decades, and we’ve seen what works and what doesn’t. We’d never offer your business a solution that doesn’t fit, or that we can’t support effectively.

    When you partner with a managed service provider, you want nothing but the best from them. In fact, you require it, because your business depends on it.

    When we’re under contract with you, we understand the accountability that comes with that. It’s not only our job to make sure you have the right solutions, but that you have solutions our team can work with to provide the level of support you expect.

    Part of the equation when it comes to this stuff is how well we can support our clients. Offering one solution allows our team to become experts on everything we sell. This will help ensure that our service is quick and effective. It helps us help you.

    Whether you’re talking with a tech or a sales rep, you can count on us to know our stuff. Let us be the experts so you don’t have to, which leads me to my next point.

    Technology is Confusing

    It might sound silly on the surface, but one of the reasons we offer one solution is that technology is confusing. This might sound strange coming from a tech company. Understanding technology is our job, right? Let me explain a little further what I mean by that.

    One thing you can count on when it comes to technology is constant change. I’m sure you see it in your everyday life: phone updates, computer updates, the newest gaming console and yet another iPhone. The list goes on.

    The same principle applies to IT solutions. It’s on us to keep up with the always-evolving nature of these solutions. By limiting the number we sell, we allow ourselves to keep up with any necessary updates so that we can make sure your business is prepared and that you have the best possible options.

    We’re always re-evaluating our solutions to make sure we have the best. We have no blind loyalty to anyone. Just because we’ve been partnered with Datto for years for backup and business continuity doesn't mean we’re not always looking to see if better solutions are available.

    In addition to that, we’re trying to save you some headaches when choosing this stuff. We do a ton of research to make sure you’re getting the best possible option. The technical differences between two solutions might not be noticeable or make any sense to someone outside of this field. That’s okay! You shouldn’t have to be an expert. That’s our job.

    On top of that, you’d want to know how each solution works. Does it do what you need it to? Is it easy to use? That’s a lot of research you probably don’t have time for. We handle that research for you and keep all these questions in mind.

    And to be blunt, we’re not going to sell you junk. We couldn’t, in good faith, sell you a cheaper solution knowing your business would be worse off. These things are chosen with you in mind.

    If there are two cybersecurity solutions available, the cheaper one is always going to be more enticing. But if we’re aware that the cheaper one leaves you more vulnerable and has glitches that require a lot of maintenance, we wouldn’t feel too good about selling that to you. It’d be irresponsible on our part.

    Saving money is important, but this is an investment. You’d rather pay a little more now than pay a lot later down the line to fix various issues.

    We Use These Solutions Too

    The last thing we want to be is hypocritical. It would be a bad look if we were selling you some expensive solution while using a cheaper one ourselves. The solutions we use here are the solutions we’ll sell to you. We practice what we preach.

    We’re our own client here at Innovative. When I need help, I contact our helpdesk just as you would. We wouldn’t provide ourselves service if that service were lousy and slow. That’d be miserable.

    If the IT solutions work for our IT solutions company, you can sleep well at night knowing they’ll work for your company too.

    Our Solutions are Integrated

    I’ve never met anyone who disliked convenience, especially convenience at work. One great aspect of the solutions we offer is that they all integrate. What that means for you is fewer logins to deal with, a more streamlined workplace, and better service from us.

    Rather than have a bunch of different apps or services that feel disjointed, our solutions work together. This is by design. If we were to offer more solutions, it would be nearly impossible to have the integration we have in place today.

    You’re With us For a Reason

    At the end of the day, we wouldn’t be working with you if we thought you were a bad fit. We’re very careful about the companies we choose to do business with. A bad partnership isn’t good for anyone, which is why we try to only work with companies that can benefit most from our services.

    The relationship between a company and its managed IT partner should be mutually beneficial. Technology in business is just too crucial for it not to be. These solutions make your workplace work!

    We’re not here to upsell you; we’re here to make your company the best it can be with solutions you can hold us accountable for implementing and managing. 

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