Business Technology

IT Starts with Strategy

Learn how technology can maximize your business with a comprehensive IT strategy and support plan.

Blog Feature

Business Strategy | Cybersecurity

By: Ryan Stickel
August 27th, 2024

You probably have a lot on your plate when running your small business. Each day brings new challenges, and there isn’t a ton of time to sit down and worry about your cybersecurity strategy. You’re a small business, so why would anyone want to hack you? Wouldn’t they be better off going after a large corporation with loads of cash and data?

Blog Feature


By: Ryan Stickel
August 16th, 2024

Have you been losing sleep because your business network feels insecure? Maybe you can’t quite pinpoint the root issue or cause, but you know you’re lacking in cybersecurity, and that’s reason enough to do some research and try to find a solution.

Blog Feature

Cybersecurity | Threat Prevention

By: Ryan Stickel
August 9th, 2024

If your business wants to protect its systems and data with the latest and greatest solutions, you’re probably looking into some pretty advanced cybersecurity tools. While it’s great you’re taking that initiative, it’s crucial we take a step back and assess your current IT setup.

Blog Feature

Business Strategy | Cybersecurity | Disaster Recovery | Outsourced IT Support

By: Ryan Stickel
August 2nd, 2024

A couple of weeks ago, a widespread IT issue caused downtime for industries worldwide. This downtime was caused by an update from the cybersecurity application CrowdStrike that crashed Microsoft operating systems.

Blog Feature

Business Strategy | Cybersecurity

By: Ryan Stickel
May 10th, 2024

So, your business is discussing its cybersecurity strategy and, more specifically, its cyber insurance policy. You don’t want to find out your business has the wrong coverage or IT solutions after the damage has been done. This proactive approach will help get you on the right path toward safeguarding your business. But where should you start?

Blog Feature


By: Ryan Stickel
April 26th, 2024

Every business’s path to good cybersecurity starts somewhere. To know what you need, you need to know what you already have. A good way to begin that process is with a cybersecurity risk assessment. While that might sound daunting, a simple assessment can help start the conversation and bring general awareness to your current situation.

Blog Feature


By: Ryan Stickel
May 11th, 2023

You probably hear many names or terms when working with your IT company. You may have heard the acronyms SOC and NOC. These sound pretty similar, but what do the acronyms stand for? What is the function of each? And, most importantly, if you have services provided by a NOC or SOC, what do those services include, or not include?

Blog Feature


By: Ryan Stickel
February 24th, 2023

Software updates are something that we all have to deal with. Taking time out of your day to restart an app or restart your device entirely is just part of living in the world of technology.

Blog Feature

Business Strategy | Cybersecurity | Disaster Recovery

By: Ryan Stickel
December 9th, 2022

If you’re in a situation where your key business operations are down and need to get back up and running, you can’t afford to fix everything on the fly. Doing so would result in huge losses and a massive headache.

Blog Feature

Cybersecurity | Threat Prevention

By: Ryan Stickel
November 18th, 2022

This ever-evolving world of technology can be hard to keep up with. You’re always facing new choices when it comes to this stuff. It can be difficult to tell if you’re making the right decisions.