IT Starts with Strategy

Learn how technology can maximize your business with a comprehensive IT strategy and support plan.

Blog Feature


By: Ryan Stickel
May 17th, 2024

If you have devices in your business that are still running Windows 10, it’s time to create a plan so you can upgrade. Compatibility and vulnerability issues are on the horizon, and you want to act before it’s too late!

Blog Feature

Business Strategy | Cybersecurity

By: Ryan Stickel
May 10th, 2024

So, your business is discussing its cybersecurity strategy and, more specifically, its cyber insurance policy. You don’t want to find out your business has the wrong coverage or IT solutions after the damage has been done. This proactive approach will help get you on the right path toward safeguarding your business. But where should you start?

Blog Feature


By: Ryan Stickel
April 26th, 2024

Every business’s path to good cybersecurity starts somewhere. To know what you need, you need to know what you already have. A good way to begin that process is with a cybersecurity risk assessment. While that might sound daunting, a simple assessment can help start the conversation and bring general awareness to your current situation.

Blog Feature

Business Strategy

By: Ryan Stickel
April 18th, 2024

So, the company you're speaking to or working with has mentioned EOS (Entrepreneurial Operating System), but what is EOS, and why should it be on your radar?

Blog Feature

Business Strategy

By: Ryan Stickel
April 10th, 2024

One of the most important relationships you’ll have with your Managed Service Provider (MSP) is with your account manager. Your account manager should be more than just a point of contact; they should be your dedicated advocate, ready to guide you on your IT journey.

Blog Feature


By: Ryan Stickel
March 15th, 2024

If you’re looking to change your MSP, you will need to know what you’re currently paying for and how the new MSP will charge you for those things. That’s a bit more complicated than it sounds, though. This article will discuss some differences you might see on MSP invoices and how to sift through all the information.

Blog Feature

Outsourced IT Support

By: Ryan Stickel
February 22nd, 2024

Technology is crucial in today’s business world. Sometimes, it takes a couple of issues to really highlight that. Perhaps your business has been feeling this lately. Whether it’s headaches caused by slow devices or just a gut feeling that your business technology isn’t where it needs to be, you know it’s time for something to change.

Blog Feature

Life at Innovative

By: Ryan Stickel
February 9th, 2024

Exciting news! 🎉 We have some new promotions to catch you up on!

Blog Feature

Business Strategy | Outsourced IT Support

By: Ryan Stickel
December 8th, 2023

So, you’re preparing to discuss a possible IT partnership with a new managed service provider. There’s one issue: IT is a very broad and sometimes overwhelming term, and you’re not really sure what services you’re asking them for. You have a pretty good idea of what technology your business needs and you may even have an OK understanding of the services your current IT partner is providing. So why does it seem like this new MSP is speaking a different language?

Blog Feature

Technology Strategy | Business Strategy | Outsourced IT Support

By: Ryan Stickel
November 21st, 2023

So, you’re in the DC-Metro area, and you’re trying to decide which IT company is right for you. You know technology is valuable to your business operations, so you want someone who is up to the task. While you might have a pretty good idea of the type of IT company you need, there are a ton of options, and you still need some help differentiating between all of them. What does a good option look like?